Monday, January 19

books i've read: sex and the slayer

sex and the slayer: a gender studies primer for the buffy fan
lorna jowett
wesleyan university press: 2005

this book is, not surprisingly, about gender studies in buffy the vampire slayer. it was an interesting read, and it seems to me, that the opinion of the author is, unless you are a lesbian, you are conforming to the patriarchal norms of society. there was lots of discussion of 'feminine' versus 'femininity', and the hyper-femininity of buffy and some of the other female characters (glory of season 5 in particular). of course, there was discussion of the feminized male as well. i don't know that it's going to be very helpful for my paper, but she does address adam and maggie walsh, though not in great detail (i mean, what can you say really - they were only in season 4!) and i can't say that i really disagreed with anything she wrote. all in all, i enjoyed the book, and i'd probably read it again.

Tuesday, November 11

there's always next year...

well, the results are out! the winners of the 2008 podcast awards have been announced!

unfortunately, k&k were not among them - but there is always next year! thanks to everyone who took the time to go and vote (and verify!).

if you are interested in who the winners are, you can head over to and check them out.

Thursday, November 6

Last Day to Vote for Podcast Awards!!

last chance to vote for Katia and Kyliemac V.O. and K&K Tourist Tips in this year's podcast awards.
click on the link in the sidebar to head over and vote today!

winners will be announced on the 9th of november.

Thursday, October 23

podcast awards voting starts today! please vote!

greetings all!
well today is the day the podcast awards kicks off!
if you have a minute, please click the link on the right, which will take you straight to the ballot!

you can vote once a day, and it's a popularity contest, so every vote counts!
we're nominated in the two following categories:

GENERAL: katia and kyliemac V.O. (Original Version)
TRAVEL: katia and kyliemac Tourist Tips

don't forget to vote for your other favorite podcasts!

thanks for your help!!

Monday, October 20

k&k nominated for podcast awards! YIPPEEE!

YAY! thank​s to all of you who went to www.podca​stawa​rds.​com and voted​ for our podca​sts.​ thank​s to YOU two of the Katia​ and Kylie​mac podca​sts got nomin​ated!​!​!​ THANK​ YOU! THANK​ YOU! THANK​ YOU!

now it prett​y much becom​es a popul​arity​ conte​st and we need YOU!​
this is the part that becom​es about​ "mobil​izati​on" and "engag​ement"​.​
we are up against some stiff competition, but we can win with your help!​!​

we are nomin​ated in two diffe​rent categ​ories​:​
GENER​AL:​ katia​ and kylie​mac v.o. (​origi​nal versi​on)​
TRAVE​L:​ katia​ and kylie​mac touri​st tips
(you can check​ them out at iTune​s or on our site:​

and while you are there, why not vote for the fantastically buff-a-liscious buffy between the lines in the ENTERTAINMENT category? tell tabz and the bbtl crew that i sent you!

the votin​g for the podca​sts begin​s this thursday october 23rd​ at www.podca​stawa​rds.​com. each voter​ is allow​ed one vote per 24 hour perio​d throu​ghout​ the votin​g which will end on November 6th at 23h59 (i assume hawaii time). if you could​ head over to the site once votin​g start​s and vote for us (you can vote once a day!!), i'd reall​y appreciate​ it.

so mobil​ize your troop​s!​ tell your friends! tell your mom! tell your third cousin! tell your kindergarten teacher! (Spread the word! Tell a friend! Tell them the tale! Get a pic! Do a blog! ) every​ vote count​s and it would​ be very oh-​so-​very cool to win! and we can, but only if you help!

and don'​t forge​t!​!​ we'​ll be recor​ding EPISO​DE 200 -​LIVE-​ in PARIS​ on decem​ber 6th at The Great​ Canad​ian pub in the 5th. join our faceb​ook group​ (​katia​ and kylie​mac posse​)​ to make sure you get all the detai​ls when we set up the event​!​ we have lots of stuff​s plann​ed!​ SHENANIGANS! DRAWINGS! PRIZES! you won't want to miss it! head over to the site and check​ out "​where​ are katia​ and kylie​mac"​ to see how YOU can contr​ibute​ to EPISO​DE 200!​!​!​

Hope to see you there​!​
liste​n to katia​ and kylie​mac in paris​ at:
(or subsc​ribe on iTune​s!​)​

Wednesday, October 1

if you have nothing better to do...

you can join legions in playing this game.

go on. drink the kool-aid.

post of appreciation

i just wanted to take a minute and say thank you to all of you who have voted for the katia and kyliemac empire on

nominations are now closed and the voting is in progress.
if you are curious as to how the nominations are being reviewed, head over to and you can take a look at how they are qualifying the nominations.

the nomination winners will be announced on october 19th.
so if we manage to score one, there will be much jubilating!

let us take a moment...

and mourn the birthday month for all those september birthday monthers out there.

::takes a moment::

::wipes away a tear::

if only france celebrated halloween to take a bit of the sting away...

Monday, September 29

i am not crazy. and i have proof.

here you go "ladies*".

thanks to the justin for providing the means to prove my sanity.

*you know who you are, ladies. :)